Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Daughter's Love~Day 25

This little note was left on my facebook wall by my daughter. A lot of people that know me may be thinking I don't have a child, and you would be right I don't have a child. My daughter is actually my step daughter from my previous marriage. The thing is that I don't believe in that ugly word STEP CHILD. I may have not given birth to her, and she may not be blood, but she IS MY DAUGHTER! I would do anything in my power for her, I think about her often, wonder how she's doing. She's in school and I couldn't be more proud of her, she is trying and she will succeed in anything and everything she puts her mind to, I know that much for sure. I hope the day she graduates that I will be able to be there to see her again walk down and isle to yet another achievement. I love her she means the world to me, I would give my life for her, just as her own mother would. So this is my little story about a beautiful girl woman that turned from a stranger into a beautiful gift, the gift of love from a child to a mother.

A mother's treasure is her daughter.  ~Catherine Pulsifer


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